Jim Bennett - Chair (3 year term expires 2025)

Rebecca Haynes - Secretary (3 year term expires 2026)

Arnie Swatson ( 3 year term expires 2025)

Jennifer Place ( 3 year term expires 2027)

Kelsey O’Connor (3 year term expires 2027)

Ann Roy  ( 3 year term expires 2026)

Andrew Robbins - Vice Chair (3 year term expires 2027)

Paula Robbins - Treasurer ( 3 year term expires 2026)

Carolyn Dugas (3 year term expires 2025)

Contact PPC by Email: jim.bennett@windsorvt.org

Commission Minutes & Agendas

Phone: (802) 674-6786

The Paradise Park Commission meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm and are responsible for the welfare of the Town Forest through ordinary upkeep, making needed improvements.

"Map of Paradise Park
Paradise Park has a color map that includes hiking trails, carriage roads, and habitats. If you've never explored this 200 acre park in the middle of town grab a map (or click HERE for a link to the map) and head on out. If you already enjoy exploring the woods, fields, and water of the park look for trails on the map you haven't discovered yet. 

Paradise Park Trail Map & Brochure 

2022 Management Plan
2022 Management Plan Appendices
2022 Management Plan Approval Upper Valley Land Trust

Runnemede Management Plan 2012
Runnemede Management Plan Appendices

Report on Stormwater & Flooding Concerns in the Park 6.2018
Paradise Park Web Information on Trailfinder
Paradise Park Ordinance - as amended
Resolution and Charge Paradise Park Commission

Click here for photos of Paradise Park (Thanks to Ann Roy for many of the submissions)

 Paradise Park Commission Facebook Page
