JEDI Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6 pm in the Selectboard room at Town Hall (third floor), 29 Union Street.

JEDI Committee Rules of Procedure

Committee Members - Staggered Terms

Chair, Moira Hershey Two-Year Term (2025)
Vice-Chair, Karen Lipinczyk - Three Year Term (2026)
Britt Metivier - Two-Year Term (2025)
Vacant - Fill remainder of Three Year Term (2026)

Vacant - Three Year Term (2027)
Vacant - Youth/Student Representative - One Year Term (2024)
Selectboard Liaison - Emma Caffrey - One Year Term (2025)

2023 Pride Month Proclamation

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Agendas & Minutes

Voted Resolution

Equity Declaration

NAACP Windsor County Membership Application

Windsor Welcome Packet

DRS & Resource Webpage on Parents Guide to Fentanyl

ECDOL (Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living), an organization dedicated to seniors' well-being webpage on A Senior’s Guide to Fentanyl

This committee was created by the Town of Windsor Selectboard on June 22, 2021.