Town Meeting 
The legal voters of the Town of Windsor, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Windsor Welcome Center, 2 Railroad Avenue, in said town, with a virtual attendance option via Google Meet, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday March 6, 2023 to act on Articles 1-6. A public informational hearing follows to discuss articles 7-28 which shall be voted by Australian Ballot on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at the Windsor Municipal Building, 29 Union Street in said town. Polls will open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m.

Join Google Meet Informational Hearing:
Video call link:      Or dial: (US) +1 475-329-0096‬ PIN: ‪289 610 564‬#
More phone numbers:

The Town Meeting Warning can be found here  LINK

The Proposed FY2024 Budget along with all supporting documents and the community survey results can be found HERE. Total general fund spending is up about 5.25% the expected tax increase associated with the budget is 3.98%. The budget reflect a continuation of existing services across all departments. The selectboard and budget committee were diligent in their efforts to keep spending and associated tax increases well below current inflation. The board encourages your support of the budget at Town Meeting.

Candidate Forum
3 candidates are running for the Windsor selectboard, Emma Caffrey & Tom DeMasi are running for  a 2 year seat, Jeffrey Johnson is running for the  3  year seat. A candidate forum was held this past Tuesday evening. An article on the forum can be found HERE. A Windsor on Air video  of the forum can be found HERE 

A forum for school board candidates was held this past Thursday. Kaitlin Gould & Amy McMullen are running for the Windsor 3 year term, Nancy Pedrick is running for the West Windsor 3 year term.  This LINK takes you to a video of that event.
